Sunday, August 26, 2007

One Day After the Next

Oh how can I learn this big lesson? Will you BE patient enough? You know the key story - the one you demanded from me as a sigh of my authentic trust -- it is big inside of me this fear. Help me be strong enough to conquer this immense fear please!


turnerBroadcasting said...

still jonesing about your clip skills. Theres just now way in heck I could have found these things. The collector. this one. I can't even name this film and I am a film buff.

I did however work with this guy once on a film. I went up with my uncle to do the shoot in the hills of Los Angeles. The name of the film was "less than zero".

Listen. about fear. Guess what. I am scared as well. Maybe of different things. Different people but I am definitely nervous.

The way I deal with it / it varies. Mostly I just sort of try to be hyper-aware and at the same time completely zone out.

Honestly I am not sure I can make the fear go away because I am nervous myself but I can likely help you to keep going through it.

Lucky person that. So are you getting married on the first?

Lady Sheridanne Kelley said...

Can you imagine....?

Here I sit writing this with trembling hands and butterflies (see above) in my tummy.

I find myself reaching out for you, leaning on you to appreciate your courage (whatever there is of that that is stronger than mine).

And I lean into you for your grace in an embrace that is meant to help me stand beside you.

This is the stuff of romance and movies....perhaps a script is in the making too. God you are good!!