Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Five Years to Sheriwood

Once upon a time, for that is the start of all stories, great or not so great, in the real world, I choose to explore the new fad of Web 2.0. My research took in most of the offerings five years ago and there were not as many as today. One I peeked into was Second Life. It was getting unbelievable press five years ago - TV, news, magazines, newspapers. Everyone was checking out this strange virtual world and so I dove in.

Newbies were very ugly in those days compared to now, but I did my best and met some others who were here for research. It was amazing to meet people from all over the world with common interests and then something gripped me. It was the ability to reach out to others.

Dancing to the Elves

I met someone in a dance place that exists today (Phatt Cats) and he had the loveliest Elf ears. He brought me to a land many have visited. There I quickly became one of their administrators

I was able to take time to do the things I do in the real world here. I taught classes. I did wedding ceremonies; and unlike the real world, I learned EVERYTHING I could about weapons of the day

In our land this was medieval but there was a lovely component of Elves there. I arranged their tournaments that are still head. I wrote procedures. I helped with barding. It was a great time and I always love learning.

Commonwealth & Meeting Aule

One day one of my students, who I still know, asked me to come see a new land. He knew my passion was Tolkien and the land I was admin in was definitely NOT Tolkien. In those days the Tolkien enthusiasts were beginning to "self identify" by wandering to places of hope for Elves and so I came to a land called Commonwealth.

It was so inspiring for me. Nearly the first day I met Aule who was fiddling around in the library there. He gave me a little desk to sit and write at and mostly just chat away with him

My father died. I was devastated! Lost! Those in my home sim, where I worked so hard as admin had no time for me. I ended up in the fresh new sim called Valimar in my deep grief. I built my first formal rose garden and dedicated it to my father and to JRR Tolkien. Many came and sat there and rested

The land where I was admin would not permit conflict of interest. They intended to "rule all the world" it seemed and after serving them tirelessly for over a year and building their traffic, and having my wonderful wedding to Turner there (a marriage that attracted 75 people to a land that would only hold 50. We crashed so many times that day, but all my friends from Valimar came to join my land). But the competition was so fierce with my home sim, they banned me for disloyalty. I of course went to Valimar but was so hurt.


Manwe watched me from the start and he had asked me to be the optimistic, ever seeing Spring, Vana and so I began to teach classes in Valimar and manage their events and administer the sim.

The builders attracted to this challenge of Tolkien's imagination, have never again been gathered together and Valimar rose up out of the pixels. It was breathtaking and once finished in a fit of Manwe’s temper it was destroyed and then rebuilt

My Turner, my partner and I were always busy there. One day my Turner (who btw was Sauron) got into a RL argument with Manwe. It escalated beyond belief and Turner and I found ourselves banned!

I remember the pain of that day so well It was my third huge loss, and Aule, as always came to me and he held me until the pain went away and reminded me to not lose my vision for Tolkien.

The Park Bench

But I was so tired by then. There was a park bench. One made of twisted branches and rough planks that sat in a sim called ElvenGlen. It was part of Elf Circle, the place where I learned to use weapons initially. I sat on that park bench day after day. I didn't talk with anyone. When I came in world it was all I would do -- just sit on this silly park bench. Many passed by. Many knew me.

One day the owner of the quarter sim came and sat on the park bench with me. He shared that he was giving up his land. He was very tired and sad, but financially it was very difficult for him. I LOVED that special place. I told him I would pay for it for him, but he left and handed the land to me. Now what was *I* going to do with a quarter of a sim?

So I continued to come in and sit on that park bench. One day Bon/Vana came. She had been Nieliqui, Vana's daughter in Valimar with me. She started sitting quietly on the park bench with me. Then Elder Valla. Then another called Karenna. One by one, people who knew my vision began to come to that park bench offering their allegiance--not to ME--but to a vision I hold in my heart to honour Tolkien. Then Vala came and I knew there was hope.

The Planning Began

We set up this big stone table with cocoa and tea and lots of things to eat and every day we would meet and discuss the works of Tolkien, and plan. We planned every brick. We choose colours and shapes and prototyped builds and scripts. We spoke of music to inspire and ways to help others get hooked on Tolkien.

The owner of the sim (not the 1/4 parcel) told me about a way to get a sim. And best of all it would be at a discount. Sims are expensive and my friend introduced me to a character called Vander. He was going to have 50 Sims, build the biggest empire in SL he said. He was pleasant and delightful and he wanted me to be with his group because one thing was sure, I could love his people and help him grow and for my work, he offered me two Sims.

Passport Plus Three

So I went there and began working in his four Sims. It was amazing and busy and so much learning. One day I came to the Sims and found I could not enter...that it was closed to everyone. Banned from my own sim, again! However, I knew that Vander did not own the Sims but rented them. Being a bit cleverer than most imagined I was, I had made friends with the owner.

The Sims we had built were unexpectedly beautiful. Bon did much of the work there and I'm not sure they will ever be matched. So I took over the tier for four Sims (the tier btw, because it was rented, was twice what a normal sim was). I was quickly having to skip meals to pay for them, but it was worth it as I began to plan for the new Tolkien lands. Sadly the costs overwhelmed me and three of the Sims had to go. It hurt me so much. Nevertheless, I clung to Passport, the last of the four Sims with all my might.

One day, Bon and I were in Elf Circle. She was showing me this amazing tree house she had built (the one in the Forest today actually) and Manwe came near and told me how sad he was I lost the Sims. We discussed it and I somehow hoped he would want to help. Silly me.

But he did tell me something that surprised me that day. He told me that I was the most difficult woman he knew, but that he admired me like no other because of my passion for the vision that he could NOT carry.

Loss of Passport

He was Manwe. He watched me always he said and could not imagine I could still remain optimistic. One day I could no longer afford Passport and my heart was sad and Manwe came and offered me the role of Vaire – he had “sold” the role of Vana to another for their support of his new empire.

Bon and the others were growing eager to be building OUR dream. We still had the quarter of a sim and by now they had planned EVERYTHING and they just wanted to see the vision live. So I bought two Sims from Manwe's group, at a premium as well (the tier was also twice a normal tier) but in the end I thought it WOULD be worth it once the Forest and City arose out of the flat land that was delivered.

Bon and Valla and Vala and a few others raced around like silly chickens getting things packed up from the ElvenGlen land. We learned to respect and fear each other sometimes but we never fought. We just knew we were stubborn for our own ideas. So we discussed every detail around the stone table and in our Sheriwood group working site. It was an amazing time.

If you have not looked at the tribute board for awhile, I commend the paintings on the end near the City. It holds some of the early paintings of how we started. It was and remains one of the most amazing experiences of my real or virtual life.

The Tribute Board

Like any dream we cannot hope to dream in isolation. The Tribute board also holds the images of nine wonderful people and I promised I would also details these and I will add four new portraits to the Tribute board soon...
The names on the existing Tribute Board are: in order from top left to right and top row to the third row:

1. Valla, one of what we called the Three Graces, she is the most wonderful at creating and maintaining our databases and she mothers everyone, especially the shy ones still today.
2. Bon is another of the Tree Graces with me, who built the Forest and Pass, whose imagination is driven to use the limitations within this virtual world to make REALISTIC places live with simple prims!
3. Vala, our Finwe, who we rarely see, who spent a minimum of eight hours a day for every day for over a year planning and building the most mathematically-precise land in this entire world.
4. Forest, who is our Irmo and also rarely seen, built the small, intimate old Elven village in the City, with is different perspective a perfect contrast for Vala's perfection and purity.
5. Trinity & Allellia, two lovely people who helped with our events initially, but had other things draw them away very early on
6. Rill Oyen, who was my Orome when I was Vana in the old Valimar. He KNEW how to do events as no other ever has since. He got partnered and could not help like he could before. He took on the challenge of managing all the legal and business aspects of the Sheriwood Foundation, which was both expensive and tedious and remains so to this day.
7. Ries Kurka, who was passionate to be part of this, but had a bit of an unexpected temper and left.
8. Crabbi Babii, who remains close today, but as a special angel in the background and mostly on SKYPE these days.
9. Jeb Hennesy -- one I met many ages ago, who helped by donating our equipment for our hospital and birthing ward. His expertise with ancient medical equipment is still unmatched in SL

That is the nine. Some of them have even paid a tier or two along the way. I could add a dozen new names, but those on that board have been with me and this vision for the long haul and no image would go there without time in service. Two of my driving values are loyalty and trust.

Additions to Tribute Board

To this board I will soon be adding four more images as soon s I get proper paintings of them:

1. Anaire – who has came quietly to the Forest and just as quietly was rightfully handed the role of Keeper of the Keys of the Guides. She has served more time than most and continues to still today. Her journal is a delight and her sense of direction and humour are a blessing.
2. Vanwen – who is a builder and scripter and has a most delightful twist of humour. Who can wield a sword with the best of them and who also became the leader of the Rangers naturally?
3. Aule – this man has ALWAYS been with me. And like a second skin, I sometimes do not acknowledge him enough. He has heard my disappointments, held me while I cried and wanted to quit, more than anyone would ever expect. He has refused to hear a negative word from me and always loves me unconditionally; and is always there to help me when I am lost or confused or just tired!
4. Nerdanel is quiet and manages the hard things and leads and inspires others to do the things they think are not possible for them. She came to us under protest and stayed.

With tears flowing down my cheeks, I must say this place exists for and because of each individual who loves Tolkien and our vision, but some have had to be here to hold my hand when I thought of just giving up. So if your image is not there, do not be concerned.

To conclude, the work from the vision that I guard against all who might wish to deteriorate or compromise it, is not easy. It was never supposed to be easy, but to see so many individuals joining our group and to know they respect what we have built; that they want to LIVE these first seven chapters of JRR Tolkien’s mighty and foundational work with us. That they appreciate The Silmarillion. This is the joy of the struggles.

To imagine that one day JRR may walk in here and recognise where he is and who he is talking with...that is the vision we all hope for here. I am unable to fully express my gratitude to you, except by saying, "Thank you!"

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Origin of Dwarves

">Aule and the Dwarves

(As told by Valier Yavanna)

This is a story about the need to be patient and also of the forgiveness and love of Iluvatar for our efforts.

My beloved Aule loves to tinker. From the day we stepped into this strange and beautiful world, he was focused on building all sorts of amazing contraptions. One day, I found his workshop door closed. I would never invade his privacy and left him to tinker in peace, yet he was in there many days.

I paced and prayed and wondered what would possess him so. I also wondered if he had slipped out when I had not noticed but then I would hear banging and his normal laughter, so knew was fine.

It was the very early time of the world’s history, so I also was busily singing seeds into existence and left him in peace. One day, I was chilled with delight to see Iluvatar appear in the courtyard where I was working. He looked at me with His loving eyes and stomped, for it could only be thought of as stomping, he stomped right past me. He stood for only a moment before the rough hewn door of Aule's workshop and pushed the door open. He walked in and closed the door with a great bang behind Him before I could even glimpse what Aule was building.

Suddenly voices were raised behind that thick door and I could hear Aule and Iluvatar arguing! I had never experienced this before and felt deeply grieved in my heart. I stood and appealed to Iluvatar in my mind, asking for Him to be patient with my beloved Aule. But the shouting continued and the sound of Aule's hammer striking something. The door even seemed to expand and contract with all the emotion behind the door. Then it grew quiet.

I continued my prayer and waited. In a short while that seemed more like an eternity to me, the door opened. Iluvatar walked out, His face a bit red and shiny, but He smiled at me in a strange way and then was gone.

I was unsure what to do and stood transfixed at the door of Aule's workshop waiting for some direction. Aule's voice, ever so quiet spoke to me and bid me to enter his workshop. As I walked in, there around his feet like a cloud stood seven very strange creatures. They clung to him as if for dear life.

I looked into Aule's eyes and saw something I had never seen there before, fear and.... regret. I walked to him and moved the creatures to the side, as I enfolded him in my arms. He was shaking and his face wet with tears. I held him and waited.

This is what he shared with me. He had grown tired of waiting for Iluvatar to create children. You see Aule loves teaching even more than creating things with his hand it seems sometimes to me. And so in his impatience, Aule had worked tirelessly to craft, with many elements and devices, the seven creatures encircling his feet, and now mine. He found behind the closed door of his workshop a way even to animate them so they SEEMED to live, yet they did not actually. For life belongs to Iluvatar to grant and Him only.

He was revelling in delight at his creation and would have been teaching them from that moment, but that is the moment when Iluvatar arrived. And behind the closed door of that workshop, Iluvatar confronted Aule with his betrayal.

You see beautiful First Children, Iluvatar had and has a plan. He understands the value of perfect timing, because He created time and perfection. Yet because Iluvatar entrusted many special tasks to His Valar and Maiar, He also trusted them to follow His time table, as He trusted them to sing the harmonious tunes He had taught each of them.

When Iluvatar confronted Aule He was about to destroy the creatures. The stubby little awkward-looking creatures... Aule begged Iluvatar to forgive him for not trusting Him. Aule offered to take his own hammer and smash the work of his hand into dust to make up for his lack of trust of Iluvatar.

Iluvatar, Aule told me, stood and looked at him and Iluvatar's eyes filled with compassion and love for Aule, for it seemed, according to Aule, that Iluvatar could "feel" the love that Aule had for these seven creatures and took pity on him and the seven.

Iluvatar told Aule to drop his hammer and wait. The Dwarves understood that they were about to be destroyed and clung to Aule for they already loved him.

Iluvatar then said to Aule: "Thy offer I accepted even as it was being made. Doest thou not see that these things have now a life of their own and speak with their own voices? Else they would not have flinched from thy blow, nor from any command of thy will.” For I grant them life, not just the ability to move at will.

Then Aule cast down his hammer and was glad that Iluvatar had compassion on his creation. But Iluvatar spoke again: "Even as I gave being to the thoughts of the Ainur at the beginning of the World, so now I have taken up thy desire and give to it a place therein; but in no other way will I amend your creation. Your hands have made these creatures in such a way that they will find special work.”

For Aule sensed they would come in the days of the power of Melkor, he made them strong to endure. They are “stone-hard, stubborn, fast in friendship and in enmity, and they suffer toil and hunger and hurt of body more hardily than all other speaking peoples; and they live long, far beyond the span of the race called Men, yet Dwarves are not eternal.”

Iluvatar, continued, “They shall sleep now in the darkness under stone, and shall not come forth until the First born have awakened upon Earth. And until that time thou and they shall wait, though long it seem. But when the time comes *I* will awaken them, and they shall be to thee as children.”

And then Aule took these Seven Fathers of the Dwarves, and laid them to rest in far-sundered places; and then returned to be with me. A wiser Valar to be sure.

That, dear ones, is how Dwarves came into being. I only wish Aule had been here to share, but it still hurts his heart.

(Quotes from JRR Tolkien, The Silmarillion, Chapter 4)