Thursday, September 6, 2007

What Makes Us Human?

His Mom sent him a sort of thought for the day. ((an exceptional Mom, to say the least.))

“In an effort to internalize our conscious understanding of the nature of cause and effect, we can never truly know how our thoughts, emotions, words, or actions will manifest themselves on the larger universal stage because it is likely that the furthest-reaching effects will fall outside the range of our perception.”

As always, these words placed together bring other ideas to me, the first is of a line in a song. “Preserve your memories, there are all that’s left you.” I think of movies such as The Butterfly Effect, Sliding Doors, The 6th Sense or Dark City, all touch on the concept of cause and effect and memories.

What makes us human? Is it that we can appreciate and contrive humour? Is it that we have language or use tools? Or is it our memories? I’m sure many have scientific answers to this question as to what makes us human, but I like to think that connecting with our own memories and remembering the highlights of other’s memories around is part of it.

A Seventh Sense?

Perhaps what makes us human is a seventh sense: the sum total of our memories and the memories of those we love and/or read about.

I think of the movie, “Short Circuit”, where Number Five is alive because he suddenly begins to, not just cough up bits of stuff he has memorised, he moves to something like the beginning of wisdom – where connections between memories and ideas surpass his processing speed and abilities.

Where suddenly communication begins to flow from the heart, based on memories and based on such impossible concepts as love, hope and faith, truth, trust and loyalty.

An Interruption

So what happens when something interferes with memories? Say if you don't have your memories past or current, such as happens in some diseases (Alzheimer's Disease); through a medical procedure or treatment, an accident or stroke. How does that affect your ability to appreciate your own humanness? Is it something you think about?

What makes us human? It is the stuff of dreams…and memories…and good timing.


turnerBroadcasting said...

Probably finding out that your girlfriend is a natural redhead. In a soft silky way.

That would be.. Resolution..>:)

I will think about it while I am out there on a very dehumanizing run today.

Lady Sheridanne Kelley said...

and I will think of you sweating away your watchful and appreciate the roses you pass along the way. Remember some of us care...S

turnerBroadcasting said...

it was a good run. tired. hungry.

imho the most terrible side consequence of anyone taking a bullet to the brain is that weird fascination that builds in others. how does the person react? everyone has been curious since time began , to figure out how the brain works.

so first, with someone suffering brain injury - you have to bear in mind that they are the same person, just like a family is still together after a hurricane - the items are scattered but they can reassemble it all given time.
you are communicating not with the furniture, I guess I am saying. It makes for odd conversation - because some people end up reacting very oddly to word combinations or tone of voice.

the seventh sense you refer to , persists through this - the connections that help him to define loyalty, etc. - are still there.

the highlights of others memories and our own, i think help define us there sure. do you remember the movie "AI". well in the movie there was a child there who loved his mother so much he wanted to find a way to bring her back, by becoming human. she rejected him because he was not. in the end, it wasn't his memories that kept him alive and ultimately made him human - but his pursuit of that seventh - what is the word? ideal.
guiding concept? maybe even spirit.

and when they go to sleep, they lose everything.

really not sure. just know I feel very human sometimes. nice post.

Lady Sheridanne Kelley said...

How did I miss this? What a blessing to have your brain ticking over in such an orderly and sensitive way. I appreciate you and your thoughts.

Yes AI was a painful movie filled with images of our own struggles to "reach out and touch someone with our love".

Like living in a life-sustaining bubble long after its usefulness has passed or hugging someone virtually....

What makes us human -- probably the only answer is our capacity to love in any dimension for even one moment.

/me smiles gently