Sunday, September 9, 2007

Life - First & Second & Third & ....

I got up this morning at 2:30 AM to finish writing a service to wed two lovely people in my virtual world (yes, that was 2:30AM when it was still very dark and quiet here).

The two I wed (called "hand clasping" or partnering) were Johnny and Gwen. He is a 552 year old Vampire-Neko (a Neko is a half human (half leopard in his case) and half big cat). She is one of the most lovely Elven ladies I know of. And because of this partnership, he will be freed from his Vampire needs because of true love.

The service went well, although due to typical technical “storms” that crashed several people out of the world (or for Matrix fans, off the grid) we ran behind schedule -- and for me that is just not easily excusable.

The reception after was held at our drum circle fire and everyone was there enjoying themselves with virtual wedding cake and virtual champagne, ale and mead. There was a terrific best man’s speech that balanced the sweet and naughty things just perfectly (thank you again SF).

Right after, I transported to a huge green crystal grotto beside a very lovely, sandy white beach to met with an old friend from Greece. But when my feet touched the sand I crashed out of the system again. So decided to do other work for a while.

Sad Phone Call

The phone rang and my little brother (really 6 foot tall and so strong and handsome) was on the line. This is a VERY rare occurrence and like a precious gift for me.

The news however, he hesitated to share with me, was that the man I will always think of as my second Dad, Owen, is being taken off life support today.

He is 80 and has had a wonderful and full life, although the last year has been filled with his body slowly shutting down despite all efforts to stop this. He and his wife, Doris (who is the best second Mom you could imagine) were people who helped change my life by always being there for me and for praying for me every day since I was twelve years old. They believed in me. They never missed a birthday or a holiday with a call and a card and a fax no matter where in the world I might be on the day.

You know, we all lose people we love (or will in life) -- this is true. Losing Owen will be a very difficult loss for me (though not as significant as losing my real Dad). Owen is the quiet one of the two, who always has a smile on his face. He has the most amazing appetite and has worked so hard every day I knew him.

A Virtual Birth

So I feel sad right now. Then I balance this sadness with the memory of a birth. Yes in the virtual world you can have babies (There is a tremendous emphasis on making babies, so of course someone had to think of the swelling belly and all that goes with it). It was a joy for me when a couple of months ago I had the privilege to watch as my dear special friends, Amin and Red brought their daughter, Maya, into the virtual world. It was amazing to see this happen -- even though it wasn’t “real”.

I have no idea how life will turn out for Maya in the future (will she go to some virtual MIT or Cambridge or get married to a truck driver and have half a dozen children?). The symbolism, however, cannot be lost on all of us who might otherwise stand far apart in RL (real life) and look down on out little computers and forget what is going on. We must never, for a moment, fail to recognise the significance of each individual’s AV (avatar or representation of the human who sits behind the AV and “pulls the strings” if you will).

It got me to thinking of how this wedding this morning -- and my recent one with the (never again to be called great) thoughtful Turner - is just a little part of an incredible circle of both my first and second life (after all, I started early with second parents don't forget).

As I look afresh at my new responsibilities as a wife (even a virtual one), I can see how difficult some of this will be. But I know that good things will be birthed (and no, I do not think I am pregnant) from my efforts and my dedication….if I do not grow weary of doing well.

Everyone one of us faces life changes. Some are good. Some are difficult. Some are bad and hurt us. Some heal us and some even help us grow if we will only look for the lessons – as we have been taught to look for the silver lining in the black clouds.

The virtual world gives us hope as well as despair. The virtual world gives us the opportunity to see ourselves as others see us sometimes. It offers us the chance to try something over again and do it right this time – if we can ever shake off the bonds of our past memories and actually try a different way.

A Second-Second Chance

I’ve noticed a lot more people with ALTS (a second AV – see above) lately -- and can’t help wondering if this might not be because we are who we are no matter what our outer form looks like – no matter how many times we try to reinvent ourselves.

We can’t escape our heart, or our wounds, or our experiences, just because we can live behind new Avs – no matter how many we might create.

As AVs, we may escape death (although symbolic death and suicide has happened with people I have truly cared for) but we can never escape life as long as we are alert – because life, as they say – HAPPENS!

The AV that dies however, hides somewhere in my inventory on a “calling card”….with all the memories and/or notes I may have put there to remind me of them. It stays in my inventory to help me be more careful next time with the next person I meet.

They might need me and I might need them and we might just become good friends -- both in the virtual world and in the real world….you never know.

I just hope I live my life enough to fill it up as much as my dear Owen and Doris have. That would be a model to strive for! They have always given of themselves. They have never hoarded their possessions or their time or their efforts. They have never lied or made lame excuses. They have never played politics, watched much TV or played computer games (well that is the truth). They have travelled all over the world (on a strict budget and only one piece of luggage allowed). They have read books and gone to so many seminars and services. They have studied all kinds of topics. But most of all -- every day -- they have enjoyed each other!

Finally, they held hands when they walked together or sat together. I hope I do that when I am old…hold his hand.

Anyway, now I’m rambling, but today….well I just needed to ramble on a bit. Thanks for listening.


Unknown said...

No man (or woman) is an island. We are all connected in some way, and each has a profound influence on those we love and care for. Your fond memories of Owen's life will continue to affect on your own.
The virtual wedding was most enjoyable and a very happy occasion for all - a wonderful community event.

turnerBroadcasting said...

Genetically coded to keep fighting. I heard that owen improved slightly on friday.

My dad once spent 48 hours at the side of the bed of a woman whose heart he had replaced.

It was cool. I went to tee off and the starter told me that.

It doesn't guarantee you a good round, but it sure does make you think about things.

I sort of adhere to a relatively strict rule to never recognize anything that happens in SL as edging over to RL.

Still it would be nice if before Owen dies, maybe he could go in world and build an avie.
Throw it to someone to kind of help collect his life up there.

Not you, I would say. But someone else. A friend of his.

Just a hobby, you know? Collect up things like reminders of the places they went. Or things like that.

A living scrapbook I guess.

Its just a thought.

Shine it. I am at a bar and I have another two hours of work on their freakin' wi fi. Damn network down

I am sorry to hear about owen.
Good luck .

Remember SL is worthless without RL. You never bring anything there that you couldn't bring in the real world if you weren't careful about it.

Your weddings are probably very nice. I am glad to have seen one
, at least a part of one. Sorry I had to jet.

Carpe diem lady sheridanne