Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Writing Is Sooooo Easy !

If you write, everyone thinks what you do is easy. You sit and think and read and then you tap some keys and viola! Writing.

I love writing, no matter how difficult it is! It is better than chocolate!

1 comment:

Z (Zeb in SL) said...

one of those films I walked out of, wondering if it was god or not. Nicholas Cage often has that effect on me... Now I want to see it again. With some films, like the Brosnan remake of the Thomas Crowne Affair, the audience applauds, and in Europe passengers often applaud a smooth landing as their plane touches down.

The trick to all, writing, filmmaking or flying a jetliner, is in doing it with such skill it appears easy - when nothing could be further from the truth. To be sure, sometimes the words flow like a mountain spring, not to be denied, but sometimes those jumbles, while exuberant and joyful, also lack coherence. Or such is the case with me, at least. Still, pouring forth one's thoughts and ideas for others to smile, applaud at or even boo, is indeed an experience like no other...