Monday, March 3, 2008


The word RESONANCE comes from two Latin words meaning “echo” and “to resound”. It essentially refers to the quality or state of being resonant, a sound produced by sympathetic vibrations.

It occurs from the sounds we make everyday, for instance. The ringing quality of the human voice when produced in such a way that the vibration of the vocal cords is accompanied by sympathetic vibrations in the air spaces in the head, chest and throat.

If you ever took voice lessons, one of the challenges is to “feel” the sound within your body.

If you have ever felt love in your heart, somewhere the things you say are no longer sounding alone as they vibrate against and with another’s heart sound.

In medicine, the word is used to refer to the sound of the pumping of blood through the heart.

Does medicine still look for the soul or the deeper pain of the heart? It is something on my mind so often….how can my heart continue to beat when it is crushed so vigorously or when it is growing to be happy. Can it be crushed or does it just feel that way? Is it allowed to be happy?

Using the word resonance in the world of physics, you would be referring to the vibration that occurs when an object or system is made to oscillate at its natural frequency.

Oh to remember what it is to move naturally in a world of devices and contrivances and fear and dangers.

In chemistry, we use the word to mean the moment electrons from one atom of a molecule move to another atom of the same molecule to form a stable structure called a "resonance hybrid".

This is where two different and solitary hearts and souls join for split seconds or lifetime partnerships -- whether like lead and gold melding together to form the stronger of the two as one new one hyper element -- or where two hearts touch and bond, clinging together to be some new entity for however the moment or eternity lasts.

When the term is used in the world of physics, it means the increased probability of a nuclear reaction when the energy of an incident particle or proton is around a certain value appropriate to the energy of the compound.

Just like when two unlike and unlikely people meet and start banal chat only to discover the stirring of one incident particle appealing to the other. There could be a nuclear reaction perhaps?


A new resonance reality is creeping into my heart, created from the way I see a new heart before me. This heart is:


A heart of strong and huge contrast in a world where so little of what exists seems real or layered and exciting…or something. But another wounded heart -- perhaps too closely like mine.


Especially in the real world.
Reality in the unreality of the virtual world
Seems sometimes more real than reality…
How could this be?

Thank you, I say with tears in my eyes, flowing freely with joy mixed and mingled in resonance with my overarching fear.


Now I force my hands to stop
For the moment
Bricking up the hole
Somehow left open still


The tomb of my heart
That would protect me
From the gashes
That will slowly bleed me dry
Will allow some drying
And healing sunshine in
As he looks at me.

As the dancing and collars
Continue to spin around me.

I may regret the past
And the many mistakes I have made…
I tremble so often and too much in the present,

But it is the future
That sometimes paralises me
With misplaced hope.

Yet place it one more time again,
I must.

Have mercy on me….


Z (Zeb in SL) said...

In a Cabin up Magnolia Road

my '55 Chevy parked on a tailings pile,

we straddled the taut cable blocking the drive;

poked around three-sided shacks and the timber-choked shaft

until, not quite believing you were really there,

I fumbled with the key and we were in

a pot-belly dregs-scented room,

where a pencil-stub note scrawled

on the oilcloth countertop—

"sorry for breaking the window, but i needed some food,"

made us wonder if ee cummings left that handful of change,

as we draped our jackets over my green fading toybox

and fell, laughing

to the sun-bleached mattress, alone

alone at last, and then

buttons eased, clasp sprung,

you lay before me,

unashamed in the light of day,

and more glorious,

more wondrous than your body were your eyes,

when you looked up and said,

"Do you love me— just a little?"

And I could not speak

as, like a drowning man's life

I saw you again, the new girl in school,

felt once again the despair of being too shy,

flushed once more at your stinging barbs,

but more, oh yes

more than I could ever say

and perhaps you knew, for suddenly,

your eyes were deeper than forests

your lips sweeter than summer

first love worth each moment of pain.

© 1999, 2008

Lady Sheridanne Kelley said...

my goodness....
was the memory
ever so much better
than reality

or is it anticipation
that is always greater
than reality.

I cannot remember.
but I do still remember
the imprint of
the first time

and smile and shudder
just a little
at how little
I knew was to come.