Monday, January 28, 2008

Dancing As Fast As I Can

If there is one movie that is embedded in my heart, it is the original “Red Shoes” with Moirra Sheraer.

I even found and bought a huge, framed poster of the Red Shoes that has hung on my wall most of my life.

After I saw the movie, I insisted my Mom paint my ballet slippers red! The only paint she could find to stick to the leather well enough was bright red nail polish.

Those red slippers eventually found their way to the back of my Daddy’s desk drawer, where they stayed my entire life.

Every so often, I would sneak into his office and pull the drawer open as far as it would go without falling out and find those small ballet slippers. I would pick them up and inspect them for the magic they have always held for me. The smell of the fine leather never seemed to leave them.

I would think of how lovely I could dance because of them.

I don’t know when I put the “shoes” on in my Virtual World, but it would seem that I do not know how to be free of them now, so I will continue to dance until I can dance no more.

How does this happen?


turnerBroadcasting said...

Is there anything new actually coming from Kate these days?

Lady Sheridanne Kelley said...

The last time I saw her she invaded a V meeting and I tried to get her kicked out. Got into an argument with the man who owned the land and he lambasted me for not showing her respect.

Seems like one PS never listened to me about that one either. But then....what can I say. I tried and kept on trying and here we are today....I am broken.