Wednesday, December 2, 2009

You Fill My Eyes

You fill my eyes
You hold my hear
I look at you
And every childhood dream comes true.
Every longing of my life is fulfilled

There is no room for cynicism or doubt.
Caution has flown away
As if it was never my constant companion.

I want you!
Not like a dying dove seeing no hope of rescue
But like a strong and mighty falcon in sudden sunlight
When she is better suited for the clouds.

I have known beauty before
A child, just new to the world
A rose so red and fragrant
The morning palate of wild colour with the sudden sun
The freezing fog covering the night

I cannot remember when such beauty as yours
So strong, yet fragile all at once
So possessed me to this reckless madness.

I want to embrace you like moss does river rocks
To kiss you more longingly than the fig vines
as they twist to find the sun.

I want time to wait in my impatient stupor of love
I fear to speak your name
And yet cannot stop speaking it.
Some wisdom or pain or vision fills me with warmth.

I know this is a transforming love
Because my heart is gone
Torn first in two
And then pieced together by your hand
And held there
In your grasp alone for all time and beyond.

This is not romance, sudden or long,
It is far beyond the fleeting wonder of my hope.
With an icy chill I fear, as once I never knew how
That my rapturous feelings will only seem
The wild love of a passing passion.

And like a transfigured saint,
Who longs to stay right here forever
I dare not tell you my heart
Lest I frighten you like a skittish doe at dawn.

Time has passed
I have cursed my cowardice so long
As to wonder if what I felt has really happened at all!

Finally I feel content, knowing
That I can still feel what I seem to have always felt
No matter how timidly I pursue my dream.

I ask if I may come to you still
Fearing you will say no
Now, it is enough to have loved you
All in an instant
Filling my emptiness with all of you

Knowing that somewhere
you walk on this earth
And that I will somehow find you
In another instant
In another world
In another time
A time that endures forever.

Or that is the dream, I still dream....


Unknown said...

A dreamer and lover, you are to be savoured over and over again....a new taste.....each time......impossible to forget.....never to be a sunset over the ocean waves.......

Lady Sheridanne Kelley said...

A birthday present from a stranger that I missed. What a blessing & joy that your comment greets me here & answers my morning question of why continue to write or feel or cry or fear? Thank you so much!