Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Looking for Something

She groaned, "Oh my lord,
why am I so stupid sometimes?"

"Oh," said he, "you are not, my lady!
You are only like me.
You expect the best from people --
and you keep on believing."

"Perhaps, then," she said,
"that is why I like you....
you seem to understand."

He said, "It is the way we are, my lady."

She wonders inside her heart
how "they" might be "we".
Words touch her....

So very vulnerable!

"But there must be something I am missing?
Why do I always keep searching
for something", she sighs?

"You ARE searching....
Yes, this is true,
but perhaps not for what,
but for who.
Because it just might work this time",
he grins and holds her as she weeps.

'Maybe," she says.
"Yes," he says.

"It just might work,"
they say spontaneously
and together.

He touches her cheek and whispers,
"Yes, it just may work, my lady.
It just may work."


Z (Zeb in SL) said...

if you knew you could not fail, for what would you strive?
if you knew it would be granted, what would be your wish?
if you knew it would come true, of what would you dream?

Dand Rau said...

Often waht we seek so desperately is something inside us that we have shunted aside and ignored. We seek it in the outside world but only find reflections of it there. Only by introspection so we find what we really seek.