Monday, May 26, 2008

The Story of Benjamin & Emily

When Benjamin was born he was a perfect child. Every finger, every toe, his eyes and nose, his ears and chin – a beautiful poster child baby – good enough for a Gerber Baby Food jar! Everyone loved Benjamin and they loved holding him and cuddling with him. He had a most wonderful temperament as well; and for a first child it was rather unusual to find him not only competent and independent and resourceful, he also had a warm and engaging sense of humour.

Yes, everyone loved Benjamin. He was a good student and went on to university and then was called to do his duty for his country, which he was proud and eager to do. When he returned home, he moved to live near his parents and care for them as they grew older.

Benjamin’s Accident

One evening as Benjamin worked late at his office, a terrible raging fire broke out and as he struggled to save the life of the night duty guard, Benjamin was badly burned on the upper half of his body.

In fact the burns were so extensive they could do little to repair the horrendous damage to the skin of his face, neck and chest. His hair was burned off in large patches and his nose was nearly gone. They did their best to patch up what they could for him, but the significance of the damage drove him to live increasingly alone from contact with others.

All he ever wished for was that he could be like he was before rather than so ugly that people would stare at him everywhere he went. Only his parents saw him and it broke their hearts to see him so lonely.

The place where he lived was a wonderful, but small, farm where he could continue to manage his garden and ride his two favourite horses. Everything he needed for his life was delivered to his front gate so no one would ever see him.

Benjamin Meets Emily

One day his parents brought a very beautiful woman with them when they were visiting Benjamin. He was mortified and at first was very angry at them that they would do this, but he soon came to understand that she was blind from a serious accident and therefore he could feel safe from her gaze.

He relaxed and they all shared a meal together. Benjamin watched Emily as she gracefully managed her food, almost as if she could see every morsel. He was simply mesmerised by her beauty and her gentleness. That day they had a wonderful visit and Benjamin realised how much he missed the company of good friends and in particular someone special in his life.

For six months they courted and Benjamin’s parents were so grateful for Emily because every day their son began to return more to his normal, confident self as Emily grew closer to him.

Emily’s Accident

Emily it seemed had not only been injured and lost her sight but also her parents and her only relative, her older sister were all killed in the same accident, so Emily knew what deep loneliness and sadness was. Emily had been a gifted oil painter and photographer, so all she loved in the world was taken from her the day of the accident. All she wanted was to have her sight back.

One day Benjamin came to his parents and told them that he was going to marry Emily if they would give him their blessing. They agreed and the wedding was fairy tale beautiful.

They were the most amazing couple -- always together --walking arm in arm. But Benjamin still stayed on their property and only spent time with his parents because he did not want Emily to ever know how grotesque he was and he feared someone might tell her if every they were out in the rest of the world.

Occasionally, she would take her small, delicate hand and gently touch his face and his neck and down his chest, wondering what the strange marks were that were so different from her skin. But she never asked anyone and when she asked Benjamin, he would only say he hoped she would never see him.

Emily’s Second Accident

One day, Emily was walking through the kitchen and there was a little patch of water on the floor. She slipped and fell and landed on her head. When Benjamin came in the house he found her unconscious and rushed her to the hospital.

She was alright from her fall and didn’t even have to stay overnight in the hospital. However, the specialist who attended her in the hospital asked about the cause of her blindness and over the course of the next few months did many tests to discover that her blindness might be reversed and he shared this with Emily and Benjamin separately.

What True Love Actually Is

When the doctor asked Benjamin what he thought he should do for Emily, Benjamin told the doctor he wanted more than anything else for Emily to have her sight back. When he told Emily, she thought about it and said she did not want the operation – no matter what the possibilities were, because she would never want to risk what she and Benjamin had together.

I do not know who said, “Love is blind,” but they were right. And that is what true love is you know, being with someone who loves you for who you are inside rather than what you are on the outside! Isn’t that neat?


Dand Rau said...
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Dand Rau said...

Yes, to know and appreciate what is inside a person is a wonderful gift. As I consider my past, the persons whom I loved mostly deeply were those that shared themselves and, in doing that. helped me to share myself - my real self, my innermost self, my secret self. In mutual sharing, we bonded. I treasure those relationships, so few, one now gone from this world, one remote, and one near through Internet. So few close friends, but so highly treasured, I am grateful to the gods, fates, or chance that brought them into my life. Your story, Lady Sheridane, brought to mind thye glorious gift of true close friendships. Thank you.

Lady Sheridanne Kelley said...

it is a blessing to have good friends wherever and whenever we are given them ... I know I am fortunate for those few I hold dear. Thank you for your kind comments -- your friendship is a treasure.

Lady Sheridanne Kelley said...

Thank you for seeing the beauty in love...even in the unloveable....