Sunday, September 26, 2010

How A Sim Is Lost to LL

A public service message to all of those in my virtual world:

First off, Lindenlabs would never ever discuss any information about another Avatar account and surely not about finances with anyone.

But if Lindenlabs was not being paid tier and they were going to close a sim, this is what would happen.

1. Lindenlab would try to cash the tier payment. Most pay by credit card or Paypal, so LL will simply try to source the cash fee.

2. If there is no money to access the OWNER of the sim only would receive an email informing them that the tier is not there yet for LL to collect and that this needs to be fixed.

3. If there is no response and if the money is not available to them a second time, LL will send another email to the OWNER of the sim only, informing this a second time that LL has not been paid and that they will try in another couple of days.

4. LL will then try again. If the money is not there for them to take, they will block the OWNER’s account.

5. They send a third email telling the OWNER that their account is delinquent and that they need to get the account fixed before LL will reactivate the OWNER’s account.

6. At that moment, the OWNER is able to go into their account only by going to but will not be permitted to go in-world. And this is the only way the OWNER can fix the problem and will need to there establish new payment arrangements for LL to access the money. (by adding a new credit card, by changing their PayPal account or by putting Lindens into their account to cover the amount of tier owing.

7. If that is not solved within 2 months, then a Linden will come to the sim and warn the sim manager (in the case they are not OWNER) that the sim is going offline.

8. And then it will disappear to dust. The sim is gone.

9. The ONLY concession the manager or resident can get from LL after that point is by sending a ticket for Linden to reopen the sim for a couple of hours so the manager or resident can take their prims

10. If LL opens the sim under these conditions, they will give you a couple of hours or a day at the most to take whatever you wish and then the sim will disappear forever.

11. Finally, LL does NOT offer the manager/resident the option to buy the sim (even at an increased price)

12. LL will just flatten it and sell it again to the next buyer.

13. They do not care because the sim is resold empty in the Lindenlabs land shop. So it is 2 months and the sim is gone.